Moldy Marvin's 5th Annual Rat Fink.Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza
"Cinco de Finko?"
Party image by Chainsaw Chuck Majewski ©2004
A Tribute To The Life, Art & Inspiration of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth
Up date 06/22/04
Click here for Items currently on E-bay to Benefit Kelli Jaunsen
Read more about the show and auction below....
Up Date 06/15/04
Click here to go to our Fotos page
A Message from Moldy......
Hey Gang,
First of all I want to thank every one for comin' out this year. The show turned out pretty good we all seemed to have a really good time..
We want to thank the Artists & The Folks That Help Put This Thing On, the Vehicles that Entered and The Bands that provided all of the great entertainment. We couldn’t do it with you.
As far as the auction for Kelli goes, we raised
$1,173.00. Bids
weren’t as good as we hopped so we stopped the auctions mid day and decided
that we will add those items to an auction that is being held June 21st – 28th on e-bay.
Click here for Items currently on E-bay to Benefit Kelli Jaunsen
Various Artists will include:
If you are an artist that would like to participate in this auction please contact Moldy Marvin for details at
Lost Stuff:
On Saturday evening we had stacked (4) large tables on the back lot and someone took them. If anyone has any information on where we can find these it would be much appreciated because the rental company is hitting us up for $ 400.00 to replace them. Call (661) 944-2299 or e-mail me. thanx Moldy
Hi Moldy,
I attended your fun and fabulous event this last June 12 and left a canon digital
camera somewhere along the way. My husband also left a record album frame. I am hoping and praying that some kind person has passed it along and that perhaps we can get my
camera back. I sell stuff on ebay and I desperately need that camera. Thanks Moldy. I live in Ventura and my home number is 805-643-3367. My cell is
805-415-9749. Thanks so much. A Delighted Fan, Jamie Kohler
For up-dates and fotos of the 5th annual Rat Fink.Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza book mark this page!!!
Click here to go to our Fotos page
Thanx once again, the Moldy one
Party image by Chainsaw Chuck Majewski ©2004
Saturday June 12th 2004 10am to ? 20915 Osborn St. Canoga Park CA
General Admission Is Always Free!!!!
Our Charity Art Auction this year will benefit |
Click here to learn more about Kelli and her struggle to survive |
Sponsored In Part By
Check in Often for Up-Dates
Rat Fink™ name and device and Ed "Big Daddy"
Roth and "Moldy Marvin"