1) The inner mouth was textured with auto glazing putty
and painted with Duro tube
acrylics in a mixture of reds and blues and then installed in the front
body half.
2) All parts were assembled , seams were sanded smooth and filled with
putty if necessary.
3) Feet were blended to the legs with glazing putty and textured with a
stiff brush.
1) The inner mouth was textured with auto glazing putty and painted with Duro tube
acrylics in a mixture of reds and blues and then installed in the front body half.
2) All parts were assembled , seams were sanded smooth and filled with glazing
putty if necessary.
3) Feet were blended to the legs with glazing putty and textured with a stiff brush. |

6) After the oils dried, the face and legs were masked off with Baremetal foil and Glad
Press"N"seal. The space suit was basecoated with Tamiya aluminum spray lacquer.
Arms and the top of the suit were painted with Folkart metallic amethyst acrylic.
When dry the purple areas were washed with a Accent crown jewels empress blue
wash. Next the washed areas were drybrushed with amethyst. The parts were then coated with Testors dullcoat lacquer.
7) Eyes were basecoated with Duro white tube acrylic and washed with a Liquitex red
oxide wash. The eyeballs were then drybrushed in white. The iris in each eye was outlined with black. The eye color was painted empress blue and the pupils were
painted with Tamiya flat black. The teeth were coated with white with a burnt umber
and red oxide wash. Next they were drybrushed lightly with white.
8) The tongues were painted with Duro tube acrylics fading from bluish purple to reddish
purple on the ends. The drool was made from clear stretched sprue and epoxy glue. The eyes, teeth, tongues, drool, fingernails and toenails were then coated with Testors Model Master clear gloss enamel. |
9) The parachute (army surplus) and straps were painted with Tamiya olive drab, washed
with burnt umber and drybrushed with desert yellow. The rocket pack was painted
Tamiya purple spray with yellow bands and Plaid brand pure bronze craft paint. The
rocket pack was then washed with gunmetal, drybrushed and coated with Testors
glosscoat. The ripcord was painted red oxide, black washed and drybrushed red.
10) New antennas were made from electronic wire with 8-ball tips. The 8-balls were made
from map pins painted Tamiya semi-gloss black. The circles were masked and sprayed
Tamiya flat white primer. The numbers came from model car decal sheets. The
8-balls were then coated with Testors glosscoat.
11) The flag was painted with Duro yellow ochre with black letters. It was washed with
burnt umber and drybrushed. The flagpole was textured with 60 grit sandpaper to
give it a wood grain effect. It was painted with Duro burnt sienna, washed and
12) The gun was painted with the various metallic colors mentioned above and a
clear red model car taillight lens (from an MPC 57 flipnose Vette I think) was
added to the gun barrel.