Welcome To Rat Fink.Org
Anniversary Date 10/08/2009
Marvin's On Tour October / November 2009 Schedule click here!
Join Our New Rat Fink Social Network at www.FinkBook.com!
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would like to show your support, please click the PayPal button below.
Your support is highly valued and very much appreciated. You will be directed to Automated Entertainment’s pay pal account for collection. Be advised that your donation is not necessarily TAX deductible, only your accountant knows for sure.
out our Rat Fink
For Spring of 2009!
Click Here to Visit Our Store! Or Check out our E-bay Auctions
Excerpt from Tales of the Rat Fink By Ron Mann
Ed Roth's Long Lost "Orbitron" Found South of the Border
The Saga Continues!
The movie above is was produced by Bob K. The fotos in this video were taken at Petersen Museum in November of 2006 For more independent videos please visit our new page that features videos by folks like you! Just Click here! |
Held on July 18th-20th 2008 |
Ed "Big Daddy" Roth Lives! A Ron Mann Film, click here to purchase your DVD today!
Joe Riley We will miss you! 03/ 1964- 09/25/07
Web Pages Dedicated to Randy Zaideman 1947 - May-04-2005
July 19, 1964 - February 10, 2006
The following is a list of charities that we support !
To find out more information, please visit their web sites and donate generously!
Thank you
Rat Fink TM name and device
and Ed "Big Daddy" Roth
are trademarks of Ed Roth (c) 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009 Rat Fink device (c) Ed Roth 1984/89
(Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, Rat Fink, Beatnik Bandit, Road Agent, Outlaw, Mysterion,
Tweedy Pie, Stealth 2000, Surfite, Wild Child,
Race ?, Angel Fink, Robin Hood Fink, Mothers Worry, & Dragnut are all trademarks
of Ed Roth (C) '99)
This Page Last Up Date 09/14/2009
Copyright 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009 "Moldy Marvin"
is a trademark of @utomated Entertainment Little Rock CA 93543