Signs The Zaideman Family Story P 4

In 1975 Jeanne
applied for a position as an artist for Penn Emblem Co. in Huntington Park and landed the
job as a trainee. She had always been interested in letter styles and now was her chance
to learn more about the trade. The job lasted for a little over a year until she moved out
of the area. That didn't stop her from being interested in lettering and layout, whenever
she could, she traded her artistic services for work on her vehicle, tickets to concerts
or other things she wanted but couldn't afford. |


1977 Jeanne had a boy friend and became pregnant, this cat was pretty abusive so she
dumped the dude and in September of 1979 and found herself as a single parent of a baby
boy. She lived in Barstow and then moved to Downey CA. with her mother until she found a
job in Long Beach in 1980, as an order desk clerk and parts delivery driver for Kaman
Bearing. |
After about
six months, Jeanne and her two year old son Jeramy to move into a small house in
Bellflower, she still did signs and artwork on the side in trade for other services. By
the Thanksgiving holiday, the bearing business was a bit slow, so she asked her boss if
she could paint the storefront windows for the holidays. And well you know the rest. |

Copyright 1999/2000
@utomated Entertainment Burbank CA 91510 |