Rat Fink Reunion "99" P2
Ya Know
this thing all started 'bout 30 years ago as a Christmas
party for Ed's employees and Kustom Kulture buddies and just about anyone that wanted ta
show up.
Well here we are enterin' a new millennium and LOOK at all the Finksters that came to show tribute to Ed and a hosts of others.
Here's Ed meetin' and a greetin' his family "O" Finksters. |
Meet Brother Bio Bert the Shirt, Silk Screen artist and Biology Teacher, he's been a makin' Ed's T-Shirts fer over 12 years now. Him and Ed got an archive of over 400 original Rat Fink T-shirt designs. Bert and Ed do over 40 Events a year together. |
There was Kustom Kool Kats bringin' out their Swords ta paint their Curly Q's and Outrageous Pinstripin' designs on just 'bout anything that would hold still. |
Besides building Kustom hot rods, Paint and Pinstriping is likely to be the most influential form demonstrated in the Kustom Kulture. The art of pinstriping hasn't really been affected by today's technology. Most of today's artists still model their concepts from the designs of yesterday, Proving that the Art itself is timeless.
Flowing lines and imagery spill from the mind to the Sword like poetry spoken by it's creator.
This is what the Rat Fink Reunion Is All About !
If Yaw Want to Talk To Us Check Out Our Chat Room And Guest Book Just Click The Links Below
Bookmark our Website and Check Out Drive Magazine on line for some great articles by "Big Daddy" Himself |
Rat Fink name and device and Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and "Moldy Marvin"
are trademarks of Ed Roth © 1999/2000 Rat Fink device © Ed Roth 1989
Copyright 1999/2000 @utomated Entertainment Burbank CA 91510