Rat Fink Reunion "99" P7

The Shriners Children's Hospital Auction


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Ed and Chico sellin' one of them Fancy Fink Throne Covers

Every year Ed puts several Auctions together for the Shriners Children's Hospital, a non denominational  organization that helps children and parents with health issues and support that saves lives.


This years auction was a huge
success, Painted and pinstriped articles Sold for some big dough.  Ed is holding up one of the many Moon discs painted by Randy's Signs Azusa Ca. This puppy went fer a couple hundred smackolas !  Way ta go guys !

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Artist from all over the world donate their artwork for this event.

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Ed with a Coop print of his Long time Friend and Partner Von Dutch


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Dennis McPhail did a beautiful pencil and ink
masterpiece that he donated to the event
. Chico was serious 'bout sellin' this one of a kind.


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Rat Fink™ name and device and Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and "Moldy Marvin"

are trademarks of Ed Roth © 1999/2000 Rat Fink device ©  Ed Roth 1989

Copyright 1999/2000 @utomated Entertainment Burbank CA 91510