Rat Fink Reunion "99" P9

More Stuff That Folks Sent In

We want to thank all of you that sent in additional pictures.. Keep'em coming.

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Rat Fink Tiki Sent In by "Big Daddy" Himself


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This is another one that "Big Daddy" sent in. A RaT Fink Clock.


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The Folks From KingFish Studio Sent in this Pic "O" their booth with bodacious Finketts

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Another pic sent in by Kingfish "O" Von Franco Leavin' the scene.


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Kingfish also sent in this pic of Ed and Larry Watson hangin' after the gig.


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Absolutely Beautiful

Thanks To  Randy and the Taco Registry For sending this one in.

That's Ed on a Taco 100 that was Built in 1968. How Kool is that man !!!!


Well here's where were gonna sign off for now. The Reunion was the best ever and we want to thank everyone that came and those that participated. We got'ta apologies to those folks that didn't get their picture up,, some of our shots JDLR. So Remember For those of you that got pictures of the event ya can e-mail 'em to us and we'll post'em for ya and give ya a name credit too. Cuz there was a whole lot more ta see. Ya all take care now and Drive Safely so we can see ya all next year. Webmister Moldy Marvin.


  If ya wan'na see more pictures then B@@k mark our website and go ta Doug Bader's rightpoint.gif (1218 bytes)Website Ta Check Out some more Pictures Of tha Reunion.


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If Yaw Want to Talk To Us Check Out Our Chat Room And Guest Book Just Click The Links Below

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Bookmark our Website and Check Out Drive Magazine on line for some great articles by "Big Daddy" Himself

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Rat Fink™ name and device and Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and "Moldy Marvin"

are trademarks of Ed Roth © 1999/2000 Rat Fink device ©  Ed Roth 1989

Copyright 1999/2000 @utomated Entertainment Burbank CA 91510